Less that 30 minutes from Kamloops. Paul Lake is a popular destination for fishing, camping, hiking, swimming, and paddling!

Paul Lake is set in the mountains just north of Kamloops and has a very productive kokanee fishery for kokanee in the 1 pound range.
The rainbows usually weigh in at a couple of pounds but can reach up to 7lbs.
I have only been here a few times but the fishing was very good each time I have gone!
-25,000 female triploid kokanee fry each year
-33,000 diploid and or triploid rainbow trout yearlings each year with the exception of 2018 and 2019 when they stocked none

Paul Lake is very scenic. It has plenty of evergreen forests and has the iconic Paul Lake bluff that protrudes straight out of the lake on the north side, also known as Gibraltar Rock.
Keep your eye out for big dead pine trees, you will often spot Bald eagles perched in the branches scoping the lake for fish.
Paul Lake has 7 kilometers of hiking trails that can be accessed from the campground and from the west end of the lake. These trails provide some amazing views.
The campground has 90 campsites and boasts a long shoreline with several picnic tables and an adventure playground. The campsite can fill up very fast in the summer months so go early or book in advance.
At this time there is no boat trailer launch but car top boats can be launched. The boat launch has been blocked by steel posts to keep bigger boats off the lake. (This is currently under protest via a human rights complaint.)

Directions to Paul Lake. Click to enlarge.
Paul Lake is less than 30 minutes out of Kamloops and all paved roads to get there.

Paul Lake is quite a large lake at 390 hectares in area and dives to 180 feet deep.
Paul Lake depth chart. Click image to enlarge or download the PDF.

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Car top boat launch only located in the provincial campground and on the west end of the lake.
Paul Lake provincial campground
90 campsites